2024 Walk ALS Georgia

Todd's Troopers

Todd’s Troopers - Battling ALS

Dear Family and Friends,

When I was first diagnosed with ALS over 3 years ago, many people reached out to me to ask if there were any way that they could help.  Once Nancy and I came to terms with the initial shock of the diagnosis, we pretty much had it together, therefore we pocketed a number of “rain checks” for possible future use.  However, last year I realized there was a way that people could support not just me, but also potentially all of the 450 Georgians currently dealing with this disease. 

Therefore, I formed a team, Todd’s Troopers to participate in and raise funds for ALS United of Georgia via their annual fundraiser Walk ALS Georgia

Thank You!  Thank you!  Thank you!  With your support and generosity, last year Todd’s Troopers raised $6,000 for Walk ALS Georgia.  We exceeded our goal by $1,000!

The funds that we raised allow ALS United of Georgia to assist Georgians living with ALS to get the support that they need to live as full a life as possible post-diagnosis.  It provides local care services such as direct financial support, respite care, transportation services and equipment loans to help alleviate the high cost of ALS to Georgia patients and their families.  In addition, funds from Walk ALS Georgia support research efforts to find both treatments and a cure so that, in the future, an ALS-diagnosis need not be fatal.

This year the Walk ALS Georgia will be held on September 21st at the Georgia State/Center Parc Stadium (the old Turner Field).  Registration and milling around from 8:30 – 10:00, followed by a walk to the Georgia Capitol and back (see website).  Unfortunately, I am no longer able to “walk the walk,” instead I will “drive the walk” in my brand-new, purple-highlighted power-chair.

I extend an invitation for those who can to join me on the walk.  If you intend to be there, I will be providing you free* “Todd’s Trooper’s” T shirts, in purple of course!  (*Free if you donate more than $50 per shirt to the cause. 😉

** Please let me know your size before 11:00 p.m. Thursday August 29th.  No exceptions! **

Building on our success in 2023, this year our goal is to raise $10,000

I thank you most sincerely for considering my appeal and your contributions,


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