2024 Walk ALS Georgia

Team Harris

Team Harris is a group of friends and family of John Harris, who was diagnosed with ALS in October of 2023. Thank you for helping us reach our fundraising goal!


Ever since John was diagnosed late last year, friends and family have overwhelmed us with their love, care, and support. We hear so frequently "I wish I could help!"  We are excited to finally have a way to say "you can!" 


As you may know, there is no known cure for ALS. Your donation will benefit patient services here in Georgia, enhancing quality of life and empowering patients and their families to life fuller lives by providing them with compassionate care and support. The funds raised here also go towards research, aggressively searching for new forms of treatment and ultimately, a cure for ALS! 


You may not know anyone with ALS, but you do know us, and we are asking for your support. Will you please consider joining usto make strides in the fight against ALS? You can join our team or make a gift to support our team. Either way, with your help, we can enhance the lives of people living with ALS, every day until we find a cure. 



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