2024 Walk ALS Georgia

Team DeMario



Thank you for visiting our team's 2024 Walk ALS Georgia fundraising page. We are looking forward to walking united for a cure on Walk Day and hope you will join us. If you want to walk with us – or support a team member who is walking – you are in the right place!

This will be my 16th year participating in Walk ALS Georgia as the captain of Team DeMario, raising funds and walking in honor and memory of my father who battled Lou Gehrig's disease and passed away in 1997. Thank you for helping me reach my fundraising goal! This is an exciting opportunity for us to work together to support those affected by Lou Gehrig's Disease and to spread awareness of the urgency to find treatments and a cure.

Ever since I moved to Atlanta I've been participating in the ALS Walk, and the experience has only gotten better each year. With your support, Team DeMario continues to raise funds each year which go directly to benefit patient services here in Georgia, enhancing quality of life and empowering patients and their families to live fuller lives by providing them with compassionate care and support. The funds raised here also go towards research, aggressively searching for new forms of treatment and ultimately, a cure for ALS!

Your support means the world to me and to ALS United of Georgia. Thank you so much, I can't wait to walk with my family and friends this year in honor of my Dad and all of the heroes who have fought or are currently fighting this disease!


Every 90 minutes. That’s how often someone learns they’ve been diagnosed with ALS. In that moment, their life is changed forever. And from that moment on, they are left to navigate an unknown future - a future living with ALS. 


Every 90 minutes. That’s how often someone living with ALS loses his battle because there is no cure for this disease.


We are walking so Georgians living with ALS can get the support they need to live a full life post-diagnosis. It costs on average $250,000 a year to provide the care people living with ALS and their families need. Walk ALS Georgia raises money to provide local care services like direct financial support, respite care, transportation services, and equipment loans to help alleviate that cost for families in Georgia.


We are also walking to support research efforts into treatments and a cure so that an ALS diagnosis is not fatal. Until that day, we will walk on. Join us!

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