2024 Walk ALS Georgia

Pam's Parade

Thank you in advance for helping our team reach the 2024 Walk ALS Georgia fundraising goal. This year the ALS United of Georgia fundraising event will be held on 9/21/24 to fund needed services and programs for those living with ALS in Georgia; and spread awareness of the urgency to find more treatments and a cure. Details to follow on TEAM: Pam's Parade 4th annual satellite Georgia Walk Team in my honor and home state of Massachusetts held concurrently on Cape Cod. We need you on our team!

I was diagnosed with brachial diplegic variant Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) on 8/14/18 after slowly progressing for several years. Less than one year from my diagnosis I became a quadriplegic. I cannot walk, write, nor move my arms or fingers to feed myself and losing my voice. Imagine feeling trapped and frozen within your body from shoulders to your toes and not being able to do anything for yourself. I continue to keep my chin held high while looking for ways to use technology to stay engaged with my friends and loved ones. I use Sesame Enable app on my Android smartphone and tablet to control use with my head movements to email, text, search the web, read, make a phone call etc. I am also using an additional assistive technology communication platform called Tobii Dynavox I-13 with eye gaze interaction and operate the Windows based Tablet with my eyes and speak with my computer generated synthesized preserved voice.

ALS is a progressive, fatal neuromuscular disease that slowly robs the body of its ability to walk, speak, swallow and breathe. I don't focus on what will be. Every day brings challenges yet I try to stay positive, healthy and live through this journey in the moment with hope. I have found purpose as an ALS Advocate to help others by being one voice for change of policies and laws in the fight for treatment and a cure.

I am beyond grateful for my loving and compassionate 24/7 care team. The love from my family, friends and neighbors that surrounds me gives me strength. ALS can strike anyone, and presently there is no known cause or cure. That's why I'm asking you to participate to bring help and hope to those living with the disease. To ensure that no one ever hears the words: You Have ALS again.

The past several years have brought advancements in ALS research and expanded access to treatments for people living with ALS, and enabled legislation that impacts the quality of life of people with ALS and their families. As an ALS Advocate through various organizations have played a small part in the grass roots efforts the past 5 years to help create awareness for this devastating disease. It has included the advancement of public policy with our legislators to pass bills in Congress and gain support for FDAs approval for promising treatments until there is a cure. 

I am so thankful for my generous donors and my amazing team members around the country for fundraising efforts over the years. It's been an honor and humbling to be honored as a top fundraising participant and Team: Pam's Parade for Walk ALS Georgia.  Since 2019, our team has raised over $240,000 towards supporting our local chapter's services, research and a cure. My goal this year is to reach $250k. The key to a cure begins with you and we can't stop now.

Engage family and friends to consider a donation towards the cause by sponsoring Pam's Parade. With your help, we will be able to make a difference in the lives of people in Georgia affected by this awful disease.

Join my team and/or donate to a team member or in my honor.
With gratitude,
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